
Super Reporting

The Huge Payoff for Propaganda Many - most, apparently - of Trump's voters still support him. Strongly.  WHY, LORD, WHY? ...Some might ask, all things considered. HERE'S THE ANSWER!  (Boyo, boyo, boy....) 1. For years Republicans knew that Hillary Clinton was likely to run for President, certainly from W.J. Clinton's term when Hillary went tooth and nail on behalf of his healthcare plans. She showed she had the chops, and she made a lot of Repubs nervous. 2. They commenced an indefatigable campaign of demonizing Miz Hillary, picking up the pace when she actually ran in the primary in 2008.  When she became Prez Obama's Secretary of State, the attacks kicked up a notch, graduating from the vague horror stories of Whitewater and Vince Foster and "how could she stay with Bill?" to the massively redundant hearings on Benghazi, e-mails, etc. FIRST SUPER REPORTING ON THIS ANGLE HERE. 3. Righty radio talkers , Rush, Sean, Michael(s), Laura(

A Cure for Stupidity

Moved back to its original publication date in 2010.  Read it here .

The Normal Curve

Hallooooo, Statistics Fans! Brethren and Sisteren of the Trump persuasion, we acknowledge your unique character, your commitment to your cause and your determination to stick with your Man through all sorts of powerful evidence that he has conned you totally, lied to you about important stuff and doesn't give a poop about you as actual people. Clearly he loves you when you scream for him and vote for him, so you do. * [Trumpsters during a slow moment at the Big Rally] After years (and years) of doing market research of various kinds, I came to believe that nearly every human characteristic is distributed among us in keeping with the "bell curve," seen below. The divisions (segments between dotted lines) are standard deviations , found with a statistical formula. The most famous bell curve is for IQ, intelligence quotient. 100 is the mean (and the median), fifteen IQ points is the standard deviation. IQ's from 85 to 115 make up the bulk of Americans, 68

What the??.......

                                                           Headpieces                     I have scrupulously avoided putting in pix of moi on this blog.                           I say if you are going to break precedent, SMASH it!                                                          Six of Scooter*       Vain of me, for sure. But I have such cute hats, I simply must  show off         my  millinery.**         And of course, my collection of Tees. But seriously, folks ....  This is another blatant plug for my crazed YouTube "channel." (Steam Calliope Music here)  See the funny hats!                                                Play along with the exciting game!                                                Hear deranged commentaries!                                                Put reality aside, and...                                                Come on inside!                               S P I D E R  &  O L D E   S C O O T E R

An Inevitable Future?

Why Some Men Don’t Work: Video Games Have Gotten Really Good NYTimes piece , July 3, 2017 * Check eet out on A Reluctant God . Pix credit


A Comment Storm 2:11 to 4:06 pm, Thursday June 29, 2017 Another Tom Toles masterpiece in the Washington Post ("Guardian of Amazon's tax practices:" DJT)....                               Sing a song o’ sick, Pence ... inspired me to write a "comment." I took the opportunity to plug single payer! (Predictable, you say.) duffworx   [That's my handle on the Washington Post.] 2:11 PM MDT SINGLE PAYER! Single Payer! Say it again. Finally the moment is here for the U.S. to join the rest of advanced civilizations in pulling the plug (teat?) out of the rapacious for-profit health insurance companies. A healthy workforce is a more effective workforce. People without the fear of medical bankruptcy and inadequate care are more productive, less angry people. The costs of Medicare for All will be less and far more predictable. IT'S TIME! Right, VP Pence? Hello? 6like Jerry B.     [Jerry B. reflected the widespread misunderstan


Professor Henry A. Giroux Knocks It Out of the Park in * SATURDAY, JUN 24, 2017 07:00 AM MDT Manufactured illiteracy and miseducation: A long process of decline led to President Donald Trump  A deep-rooted crisis in education, and a long cultural and political decline, is what got us here. There's hope!  HENRY A. GIROUX I am wholeheartedly recommending you read this article. It's a straight-up super piece of reality, a facing of facts, and a powerful call to action. Just what Doomsayers are supposed to do, get us off our duffs. Go read it at  Salon ! A FEW HIGHLIGHTS. (Kind of like the briefing before the battle.) Cliffs notes of Prof Giroux's diagnostics on where the U.S. of A. is slipping off the tracks: -a plague of deep-seated civic illiteracy, a corrupt political system and a contempt for reason -the withering of civic attachments, the undoing of civic culture, the decline of public life and the erosion of any sense of shared ci

My Peers

These are my guys Well, the YL in the middle is only a guest, but the rest of this motley crew meets monthly to solve the world's problems. For any improvement anywhere in the world, you can credit us. *                   We only wear the noses during the formal period of our meetings.                                           (That's me in the best looking suit.) *Pix courtesy the crazed PhotoShopper in the white poncho stole.

Hate Mongrel

I know... LET'S HAVE A CIVIL WAR!! With, you know, guns and stuff. * Pamela Geller, Right Wing Howler Monkey In Breitbart, that ongoing tribute to the Trumpster Hard Core, Pamella Geller declares: The Coming Civil War She plays every card in the right wing meme machine. Typical of the hate-filled rant: "The left is evil, and they mean to destroy our way of life, our freedom and us. It took decades to norm their anti-Americanism, their hatred of freedom and individual rights, but they have reached their tipping point. And the long beaten and battered among us have had it." She wraps up with a clear call to action: "The deck is stacked against us. We must get off the defense."   Like, get out your guns? DOES THIS KIND OF RABBLE ROUSING ACTUALLY RAISE THE RABBLE? Yep.   For sure. Absolutely. Right wing ground is pre-plowed for hate seeds: Hate has, "I nfused right-wing politics beyond the gun lobby. 'Watering the t

"We Could Shoot Them Down"

OK, More Hypersonic Scare Stuff Raytheon (America's top missile maker) says it could develop missiles capable of shooting down hypersonic weapons....       If   we get busy providing "sustained funding and a national sense of urgency." First: did you know Raytheon was Mr. Big in the missile business? (Aviation Week says they are.)        My image of Raytheon goes way back. Waaay back.          Vacuum tubes. That far back. Raytheon, high in the ham radio* pantheon of tubes.      ** Sort of looks like a missile Second: Can you image how hard it is to shoot down a hypersonic craft going Mach 6? By the time you get your pistol out of the holster, this guy has run you through (saber talk). Hot. IMPORTANT?   Tom Bussing, vice president of  Raytheon ’s Advanced Missile Systems thinks so (me too), saying, " The relatively sudden rise of hypersonic strike capability in China and Russia is a remarkable thing that has occurred, and it has fundamental

Rick and Morty

A Millenial Hit Olde Folks Don't Know About Are you over 50? Have you ever heard about "Rick and Morty?" I thought not. There is a "cell" of younger people who love the show and say extravagant things about its wonderfulness. In these times when prior punditry had it we would be unified by some mysterious power in the Internet, there are more and more cells of people, unified within their cells, but isolated from most of the other cells of special interests*, tastes and proclivities.  The U.S. looks more like a pomegranate than a cantaloupe - to push the fruit/melon analogy to its extreme. I will dream up a graphic one of these days. USA, USA! society in fruit form. ANYHOO... I watched Rick and Morty at my millennial son's suggestion, and I LOVE IT. Eccentric old genius and non-genius grandson as the lead characters (faintly Back to the Future -esque) + sci-fi + Simpsons sensibilities +  intelligent satire + over-the-top imaginative creators

AG (pronounced "Aaaagh!") Sessions' Priorities

Look Up, Jefferson Beauregard * ** That kid in Peru is being saved from 8 seizures per day with cannabis oil. Over there, see the American veterans being treated for major PTSD with legal weed? Now, amidst genuine crises - like the opioid epidemic, voter suppression, out-of-control ICE agents, massive tax cheating by your contributors, a nut case President with a campaign that (seemingly) colluded with the Russians, banksters regaining their power to destroy lives, the elimination of Inspectors General... you know, real problems, you are going after medical marijuana ? With all due (?) respect, sir, are you aware that opioid overdose deaths are way down in the states with legal marijuana? (P.S... that reference link is to an ultra-right site, Lordy, I hope there is justice somewhere in your department. * pix credit ** pix credit