Why Can't We Do Stuff Like This? As perhaps you know, I am a True Believer in single payer national insurance. Belief - a schematic A pal sent me a bunch of links to relevant articles after we discussed the topic. (He's anti to my pro.) Here are just a few random excerpts. Not so much to argue for single payer but to highlight that the some countries - and some journalists! - go at health care problems in a way more low-key, fact-based, research-driven, logical (FBRDL) way than our political shouting matches . Are we hard charging, pragmatic, problem solving Americans or not? Why can't be be more FBRDL on something as important as healthcare? Those darn Danes, always showing off. One of my favorite Danes, Victor Borge, enjoying single payer. A big Danish study happens regularly that self-critiques their health care system. Here is a single paragraph that caught my eye. Read it and imagine if you would ever see something like this in either t...