Pretty Big "Hard Core"

There It Is...

Lots of statistics-and-survey types have been saying the Trump hard core is "somewhere in the mid-30% area. "Hard core" means... you know, hard core.
The latest data (Gallup here, but Pew and other credible researchers) confirms.  Roughly one of every three Americans approves of Trump as President. That's a historical low for this stage of a presidency, but it's still a formidable group of people - ABOUT 89 MILLION ADULTS (out of ~248 million).


Despite historically low total approval ratings at this point in the presidency, Trump’s approval among Republican voters is 79 percent.

According to Gallup:

Politics          Republicans 26%;   Democrats 29%   Independents  42%
Trump Approval                 79%                         8%                               31%       
% of Population                 20.54                        2.32%                       13.2%
 TOTAL TRUMP APPROVAL                          35.88%

           It's slowly slipping, but very stable.

 Trump's appeal skews seriously white male, but white women give him mid-40% approval. (Not so much - way lower - among non-white men and women.)

Here, fascinate yourself geeking out on some cross tabulations from Gallup.

Note: As a long time market researcher, I find both Gallup and Pew very credible.
Anybody calling their findings "Fake Polls" is stupid  air headed  lying and knows it  wrong.

Read more here:


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