Over-The-Top New Deal

You Think the GREEN New Deal is Progressive?
(I do, and I'm all for it, but why not go for the gold?)

Over-The-Top New Deal

     The central objective of any "OTT New Deal" should be to END "paycheck to paycheck" as a big American way of life. We are hearing  a lot about government employees, out of work because of Covid, with no cushion. People are in dire straits because they are living paycheck to paycheck. And you can believe most P2P people are not saving for their retirement. Even with totally dependable paychecks - as one previously assumed federal government work provided - that's still no way to run a workforce. 
     America is clearly leaving vast swaths of its population out in the cold. Full time jobs not paying a living wage. No benefits. No job security. No confidence that things will get better. 
     Security and confidence make people more productive as employees, more likely to become entrepreneurs, more effective as parents and less likely to make desperate and destructive decisions. 
    Our workforce is the crown jewel of our country. Talented, hardworking, intelligent, inventive and dedicated people are kept from being their best when financial anxiety is their everyday companion. 
     Letting our workforce erode is criminal when it is done for the financial gain of the top tier of the affluent; it's exploitation to the point of theft. FDR said, "I answer that no country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources."* 

     A national goal worth considering is: "Every worker shall be paid enough to meet daily needs plus enough more to save." Add, "Every American shall have access to effective healthcare." Plus, "Every American shall be educated to their top potential, from pre-school to as far as they can go." We must invest in our workforce. 
     "Oh, we can't afford all that!" screams the investor class. For the future prosperity of this country we MUST afford that. "Not enough profit!" will be the next scream. Actually a stronger workforce, unburdened by anxiety and the threat of ill health, will be more productive and stable, both contributing factors to profit.   
      Such an investment in the workforce, done wisely, can produce great returns. (I haff a plan!)
     Imagine a presidential candidate saying, "I will work to end the pain and uncertainty of living on the edge of financial catastrophe. Every American will have a cushion to handle those inevitable crashes on the highways of life. No person, no family, shall ever again have the foot of cruel exploitation on their throats. I will place the highest value of my administration on the American workforce!" 
     I hear the "socialism!" screams, but smart investment is a capitalist idea.

     Olde Scooter: I approve of this message.

Speaking of FDR, check THIS out. (In case you thought I made up O-t-T New Deal)

FDR Pix Credit
Happy Office Credit
Happy Laborers Credit


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