Following the Israelites* on C-19
This is a “testimonial” to an over-the-counter health product. I am not claiming it cures or prevents anything, just that it seems to have helped me and several folks I know well contract lighter cases of - or miss altogether - viral ailments we were exposed to. It’s called “Sambucol,” and it’s from Israel. There are new clones, one called “Sambucus,” and there are other sources of the natural source, black elderberries. I only speak from experience actually using Sambucol.
Here’s my theory and it’s JUST A THEORY: Might wife Dorothy and I actually have caught Covid-19 on our Costa Rica* trip? We survived, and we ain't young. All the symptoms were as advertised. We had low fever, aches, dry coughs going into wet coughs that lasted for three-plus weeks - mine is just improving. Of course we can’t know it was Covid-19 for sure since neither of us could get a test. Thanks, Trump. Our respective docs told us it was some other lung infection, NOT CV. Probably. (We self quarantined, sort of, anyway.)
I think we didn’t get the old folks’ killer version because we are both healthy, had our flu and pneumonia shots and TOOK A LOT OF SAMBUCOL before, during and after the trip.
This is a credible account from a credible journalistic source, IMHO:
(Sambucol was researched and developed in Israel, and I like I21c, judging it to be a fair source of contextual reporting.)
I read how the over-90 crowd is in even more danger than us 70s (Dorothy) and 80s (me) types. Thus I thought about everybody’s old rellies and friends. Bump up their odds a bit. Give them a couple bottles of Sambucol.
I Might be spreading “fake news and bogus remedies,” but it seems harmless in this case. We've taken a ton, with zero bad effects. How bad can black elderberry be anyway?
Couldn’t hurt.
ye olde testifying' scooter pal
willis duff
*Feb: 20 -28. There were no reports of cases in Costa Rica at the time, and tourists were pouring in from everywhere as usual. To get there we funneled through the gargantuan, crowded DFW Airport, taking a train/trolley from one terminal to another (“Please hold on. This train is starting.” Stainless steel bars.). Then in CR, there was a back-and-forth snake line at Customs, with 400+ people cheek by jowl, and the line feeding the snake went forever back the corridor from the gates.
We met and socialized with delightful people from many countries. Lotsa exposure to whatever. Still, it was a wonderful trip!
We met and socialized with delightful people from many countries. Lotsa exposure to whatever. Still, it was a wonderful trip!
* I know, "Israelis," but this sounds so Biblical.
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