Down In Our Evolutionary Basement


It takes a high mind to control low instincts. 

1. Evolution has rewarded “tribalism” with survival and breeding opportunities over the millennia, from way back in our pre-homo sapien forebearers’ time.  When one troop of primates fought with another troop for food, territory, females, etc., the troop that stuck together the tightest usually won. When we evolved into sapiens, troops became tribes, and the tribes who fought the hardest because they feared and hated the other tribe usually won. Those of our ancestors who became leaders instinctively exploited the danger of “the other."  The millions of years of tribalism being a survival positive trait gradually infused the genetics of all humanity with tribalistic instincts.  These instincts are deep, way below our cognitive mind.  “Otherness = threat/rage” is a reflex response deep in our primitive brains.

2. RACE IS A CLEAR “TRIBAL MARKER,” at least to our primitive instinct set. A person who is physically, obviously, not in our tribe - different skin color, hair, facial characteristics, etc. - the instinct gets keyed reflexively before the higher levels of cognition kick in (if they do).

3. OUR CULTURE - OUR UPBRINGING AND OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS - INFLUENCE HOW CONCIOUSLY “RACIST” WE BECOME.  Instinctual tribalism infuses our more conscious attitudes, encouraged or inhibited by peer influence. Those raised in a racist culture tend to reflect their culture; those raised in an egalitarian culture tend to reflect theirs. We are not slaves to the instinct.

4. CIVILIZATION could be defined as a mutual pact to assert conscious control over deep instincts to allow a more functional society in groups much larger than tribes. Since civilizations frequently have “many tribes” amalgamated for common cause, suppressing tribalistic instincts is very important.  When some of the assembled tribes are of different races, it is harder to suppress the instinctive reflex. The most successful civilizations find a way to align differences into alliances.


You say 'tribe,' I say 'nationality.'

When you have tamed your tribalistic beast within, you are a civilized person.   Overcoming the instinctive reflex, replacing it with tolerance, acceptance, and even love is the most civilizing exercise and the one with the greatest reward. We must recognize the instinct if we are to overcome it, and we must overcome it if our country is to live long and prosper.

FDR quote credit


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