My New Crusade

America Must Restore the Value of


Currently it seems: We don't need have no stinkin' truth* 

My eight million vote win!

My landslide win, STOLEN!

*We have "Freedom of Speech." We are free to lie, misrepresent, twist, spin, slant, and propagandize to our heart's content. The Constitution says so. 

IT'S KILLING US!  We are split into "tribes" with our own truths, our own facts. It is ripping us apart, making us distrustful of fellow citizens, stabbing our democracy in the heart. 

I've got a secret plan!

                                          We need a CRUSADE FOR TRUTH


The Plan

We Need Two (2) Freedoms of Speech

Freedom of Truthful Speech 

All current Constitutional protections apply only when verifiable truth is spoken.


Freedom of Opinion Speech 

No truth requirement

All current protections apply when opinion is clearly labeled. 

Opinion, not labeled, has no protections.


The United States, like all modern democracies, places limits on this freedom.

When Isn’t Speech Protected?

Not all speech is protected under the First Amendment.

Forms of speech that aren’t protected include:

     Certain obscene material such as child pornography

     Plagiarism of copyrighted material

     Defamation (libel and slander)

     True threats


     Speech inciting illegal actions or soliciting others to commit crimes 

     The ever-lovin,' false, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater.


    False, erroneous, information PORTRAYED AS TRUTH.  

Not Easy!

Who/what decides what is true?  This is the big - huge actually - question. 

   (I have a plan!)

Sub questions: 

   What will be the legal definition of truth? **

   How will people know something is un-true?

   What will be the penalty for intentional lying?

   How will truthful-only free speech be enforced? (I have a plan!)

THESE ARE SOLVABLE PROBLEMS - with American ingenuity and hard, hard work.

THEN I see bumper stickers, on-line petitions, proposed Amendments, and a Constitutional Convention.  Plus "Hard Truth" awards for painful candor, Truth Teller awards for journalists, Truth Time Sunday morning program, The Joy of Truth book, The Truth Will Make You Free speeches, grade school through high school courses in truth telling and lie spotting, all to raise the value of truth to its deserved heights.


Biden cartoon credit

Trump cartoon credit

Whispering cartoon credit

**Simple me. Verifiable, factually accurate, clarified as needed, noted qualifications, documented... stuff like that, y'know, truth!. Especially, "Not a lie" and not meaning-changing "spin."


Truth is Way More Fun

Folks PREFER Lies

What's a SUPER LIE?

Papa of Propaganda

The Scariest Sentence I've Ever Read


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