The Ultimate Political Platform (UPDATED 7/21)

(I realize in the current Biden drama, policy isn't top of mind, but the search for Grand Strategies must not stop. To execute the idea below, big -- nay, huge -- changes must happen. We are in serious need of change. Read on...)

UPDATE!  (I love saying that.)

Yay, President Biden. Yay Veep Harris! Yay Democrats!

Now you need a fresh super plank to overcome the blank stares when you point out what a fantastic job the Dems are doing. Coalesce all the Climate, Science, Health, Infrastructure, Economic and American Industry wins into a powerful umbrella platform. Give Kamala Harris a big new policy weapon... LIKE THIS ONE. 

What Idea Will Appeal to the Most People?


THE WORKFORCE -- Definition:  

All who work for wages -- salaries, commissions or hourly -- and for whom those wages are their primary source of income. 

Not the billionaires; Not the "1%"; Not even the "5%"

That leaves the 95%, us, thee and me. We are a varietous* bunch. Check the list below:

Example A

That's just the first 10% of the "A's" in a mind-bending list of the jobs THE WORKFORCE fills. (It's amazing to peruse the list from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)

Here are the central messages of the "Workforce Platform:"

1. The American workforce is our mightiest infrastructure element!  Appropriate governmental support is vital.

2. The quality of our workforce defines the productivity of our economy. Productivity by the workforce must be fairly rewarded.

3. We know what it takes to optimize the workforce of the U.S.A. and we will work tirelessly to get that done. (And we really do know. Then all it takes is political will. We've got that.) 

                                                                  Signed,  Kamala and the Dems

Here's What it Takes

The workforce (all of it) must be: Healthy, educated, confident, honest, dedicated, patriotic and motivated. It has high morale. It works hard and is productive.  It is creative and great at solving problems. It works together effectively as teams, large and small, and as individuals.

Platform Paragraph:

The Democratic Party commits to this idea. Government of, by, and for the people can do amazing things when it lives up to Lincoln's definition. Right now the quality of the workforce is largely up to the people who employ the workforce. Some employers know how to optimize their employees. Many don't. When it is the principal objective of a government in Democratic hands, all employers, from small companies to large companies to big corporations to giant corporations, will be powerfully incented -- financially and by leadership -- to optimize the workforce. The future of the country depends on their success. 


[Click 'em]

Over-the-top New Deal

Capitalism's Damaged Muscles

Nurturing our Greatest Asset? Not so much

May the Force Be With Us

MORE TO COME (as always)



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