The Red & Blue Ball Bounce

Occasionally Internet Pass-Along Wisdom
Is Actually WISE
A suggested solution to our poisonous polarization

I'm with stupid.            So am I.


…To believe in God and science.
…To be pro-choice and anti-abortion.
…To be a feminist and love and respect men.
…to have privilege and be discriminated against.
…To be poor and have a rich life.
…To be gay and Christian
…To believe in gun control and defend your self, family and property with guns.
…To be anti-war and pro-military.
…To love thy neighbor and despise his behavior.
…To agree Black Lives Matter and be pro-police.
…To not have an education and be brilliant.
…To be a Muslim and suffer at the hands of terrorists.
…To distrust government and work to make it better.
…To be a non-American fighting for the American dream.
…To totally disagree with another and work together toward a common goal.
…To be different and be the same.

I'll put up with your craziness and you put up with mine, then let's work together.


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