Ban Bots!

The Persuasion Apocalypse is Just Around the Corner
 And bots are the "critical mass generators" 

So ban those boogers before they eat our brains.
Some people like Rock-aganda. Some don't.
* Creds

Near-future scenario: Psychological profiling gets incredibly more powerful, thanks to A.I. and machine learning, combing through vast piles of data about each of us. Our tastes, our fears, our heroes, our demons, our fantasies, our positions, our prejudices, our..... everything; they've got it all, and it goes into the machine learning grinders. (Read up on machine learning - Whoowee baby.)

Instantly (computers are fast) you are analyzed and categorized.  Out comes the key to your mind (and maybe your soul). Then with propaganda custom tailored to convince you of whatever THEY want you to think/believe/do, THEY get inside your mind, under your defenses, below your radar and inside your ego. Without even knowing it, you start to think/believe/do what THEY want you to.

THEN COME THE BOTS (to finish the job)

The bots send you dozens, then hundreds of variations on this custom tailored propaganda. It looks to you like hundreds of people who totally agree with everything you believe in are sending you reinforcing messages. NOT! 

It's a few bots, leveraging up all that hypnotic messaging to EAT YOUR BRAIN, and you go all in... you are now a believer - in exactly what THEY want you to believe.

The bots make this scary scenario possible. The repetition that eats your brain is practical only by using bots. "Big Lie" repetition is automated.

We can't stop the use of machine learning. We can't stop the growth of deep analysis from online behavior. WE CAN STOP THE BOTS - THE NAILS IN THE COFFIN FOR INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. (...He said very pessimistically. "Mind control" has been the goal of despots forever; now it's becoming possible on a huge scale. Thus the pessimism.)

Machine learning will learn how to spot bots. I think it ought to be a high priority bit of A.I. research for the big social media and shopping sites to pursue. We must put the pressure on all our favorite sites to spare us from mind control.  BAN BOTS.



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