Cambridge Analytica Mother Lode #2

The London Guardian Does It Again...

Super inside story, But WHERE'S THE RUSSIAN ANGLE?

Another insider spills more beans, again to a Guardian reporter.

These guys think THEY WON THE ELECTION FOR TRUMP. (Read all about it here)
Cambridge Analytica snuck out with all that Facebook data (like how much toilet paper you use per sitting; which country singer you just love; how many times you "like" what; what kind of comments you leave on a gnarly Facebook quote, what kind of tweets you retweet... on and on) from maybe 50 million of us, MAYBE MORE when everything is counted.

Read This Without Gasping

(They used) modelling and performance-optimising algorithms  to target 10,000 different ads to different audiences in the months leading up to the election. The ads were viewed billions of times.

10,000 different ads!? 
BILLIONS of viewings?!

Holy brain bending, Batman!

...And they had a polygraph on us all through the campaign, measuring how we were responding to the ads. They knew when we re-tweeted. They knew what we "liked" and "shared" and "upvoted" every second of the way. If you didn't respond positively to an ad, they CHANGED the ad!

And did they SHARE THESE FINDINGS - or the raw data - with the Rooskies?  Da Dummmm.

Olde bloggers want to know.

p.s. I LOVE  this paper


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