It's China, Even More than Russia!

Vlad Rattled Some Sabers, But It's China Moving Fastest in Weaponry

Meanwhile Americans are paying close attention to our "reality TV" president

Mutual Assured Destruction "MAD" is baaaack.

OK, I'm a generic hypersonic weapon. Live with it.

...But I'm spending the big bucks on weapons

I'm bad and I'm scary...

Informed, enlightening, podcast from knowledgeable folks who sound scared. These are the military, weaponry and technology editors of Aviation Week and Space Technology, pulling no punches on how the Russians and the Chinese are trying to lap America in war fighting tech.

As you can see from these links to other SeniorJunior posts, this has worried the poo out of me for some time.

Other "Worried about China Skunking the U.S." posts:
Science Leadership
Deep space communications
Electric Cars
Quantum communications
Jet passenger planes
Hypersonic weapons
A.I.  Solar power
More hypersonics
More quantum communications


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