Want the Poo Scared Out of You?

"Day Zero" - When the Water Dries Up
... OK, way over in South Africa. BUT...

...This book - and several others - predicts huge water shortages are coming in the many places on earth - and in the United States - where long term droughts plus exploding population size will bring more Day Zeros

The 2011 Book That Predicted Capetown's Water Crisis
[I lOVE this book. It's scary, but fascinating. It's a history book with the past viewed through the lens of water. Brilliantly annotated, it is credible beyond reasonable question. Comforting, that.]

"Day Zero" is actually here, over there
Tonight's PBS report on Capetown skirting the edges of "Day Zero."

Talk about an INFRASTRUCTURE CHALLENGE! How Should America respond to the parching of its Western one third?  There is a lot water (many floods, even) in its Eastern third; what would it take to move some of the excess water to the west? Some kind of big time infrastructure, that's what it would take. Here's one version.  

In a nation with over 2,000,000 miles of oil and gas pipelines, maybe we should think about some really big water pipelines. (Like THIS.) With all the shortages of water around the world, WATER IS THE "NEW OIL," or will be soon. 
                                                                                                 Read the Financial Times piece HERE.

Imagine the super tankers, their stainless steel tanks full of fresh water. It's coming. Imagine "harvesting" icebergs, wrapping them in plastic and moving them to where it's driest.                            It will happen.

* Pix Credit

Water is on my mind. I have a couple new designs for collecting rain and snow (in addition to THESE) for our drying little paradise in the woods of New Mexico.  Coming soon.


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