ME on TV - A Regular Fireball

The Great Winter Drought 2017/2018, 
New Mexico
Us Mountain Folks talking fire prep
Fear of Fire is the Local News Angle

There was a community meeting on fire preparation and planning in our area. The local NBC affiliate in Albuquerque decided to do a "package" to go with their live report from the meeting.  Somehow we were selected as the subject. A competent young reporter and her cameraman came to the house out here in the country, and they interviewed us for a good 45 minutes. I knew it would become a 2 1/2 min piece and was curious what parts they would use. 
They found a story in all the palaver and here 'tis, for your dining and dancing pleasure:  (You have to watch a 20 second commercial first.)

I don't know how long they leave links active.


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