Classic NASTYBOT Example

There I was, "participating" in a comments section...
[Click this title]

I was yakking about the cop that shot the NYCity terrorist truck driver, saying "he was a cop."

That triggered a NASTYBOT calling itself "Geo Trump."

Geo Trump - Just Now

Kill any babies today liberal?

Geo Trump’s comment is in reply to seniorjunior (scooter duff):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   -No substantive content
   -Change of topic to hot button subject
   -Polarizing in its insult ("liberal" made it a blow for the "conservative" tribe)
   -Very fast (it was "typing" within 3 seconds of my "he was a cop" post.
   -Bad punctuation.
   -Text in bold

Here's another, less obvious NASTYBOT candidate
(Same "cop" comment from me)

                Cuthbert J Twillie  3 minutes ago

Try reading the article before spouting off nonsense. If that's too tough for you then find a 5th Grader in a Private School to read it to you.

Cuthbert J Twillie’s comment is in reply to seniorjunior (scooter duff):
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maybe a NASTYBOT, or Maybe a NASTYBOD (Real human bean**)
   -No substantive content (didn't make sense in context of comment)
   -Generic insult "try reading the article"
   -Simple put down "too tough for you"
   -BUT not as fast (3 minutes); Not polarizing; Good grammar; no bold.
... so maybe it was a person. It's easy to be nasty and takes no real brainpower.

Heads up: Lately some of the bots are becoming more sophisticated. These rarely have bad grammar, and sometimes they pull a phrase out of your comment and feed it back before the insult. They post an arbitrary time period after your post. (The Rooskies, seeing how effective they are, hired some better trolls. IMHO)
CONFESSION: For about five seconds NASTYBOTS really piss me off... that's the N'BOT's objective. It's a reflex response we all need to shrug off. I'm working on it.

Even when it's an actual human bean, forgive them, they are just copying 
these NASTYBOTS' really bad examples. It's one of the ways the bots are destructive to civil discourse.

*cartoon credit



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