Swimming Back to the Surface
Well, one thing's for sure. Blogging is not for sissies... or procrastinators. Look how long it's been since my last posting. Shame, shame. I received this from a friend: Checked your blog today. How disappointing -- nothing written about the Dem's election sweep. Where's that "I told ya so & the GOP deserves it's whipping" article? Now something like that will get you off your duff. Fact is, nearly all the Republicans I know pretty much agree with that, so where's the fun? Here's my one substantive thought on the new Congress. BE TOUGH ON THEM. THEY'RE OUR FOLKS, SO EXPECT A LOT AND HOLD THEM TO THE HIGHEST EXPECTATIONS. Speaker Pelosi's "first hundred hours" sounds good, but there is so much more to do. First among that is to try to repair the foreign policy catastrophe the no-oversight-gang allowed the W administration to create. Initiate REAL election reform. Clean out the locust hordes of lobbyists. Put the screws to the ...