Prediction #2

Not OK Google Ok, I know "OK Google"is just an Android app to voice control some "assistance." That's not what I'm sayin' here. * I'm predicting here. [I just got into making predictions on this hoary blog last December. No results yet on that one.] This is just my second prediction. Ready? Harken unto this : I predict that it will be discovered in a Functional MRI (FMRI) study one of these days that different brain parts are used in these two mental activities: 1. Trying to "find" just the word you are looking for in your brain. 2. Searching for that word on Google (or Bing, et al). Example: Today I was trying to get past a block on a simple word and I couldn't get it. I knew it was associated with the word "conditions," but I just couldn't find it. The two mental activities 1. I persisted, thinking of "conditio...