Hidden (so far) Catastrophes

Lost Your Job? Lost Your Job-supplied Health Insurance? Caught Covid-19, and Had To Be Hospitalized? Seen the bill yet? How Bad Could It Be? I'm bad. Really Bad. That smarts. Granted, this fellow in Seattle had CV-19 about as bad as you can have it and not die. (Had he died, his family would still get the bill.) This bill made the news*, but how many (almost all) of the other huge bills haven't made the news - yet. The Cares Act will help to cover hospital losses, but for the life of me I can't find the part where it will cover your losses if you've lost your insurance. It's a looming "second wave" after hospitalization, and 20+ million people lost their employee health insurance when they lost their jobs. When on top of that you lose your health and a ton of money, what's going to happen to you and yours? Why aren't our favorite news sources covering these looming financial catastrophes? Just asking. *Seattle Times st...