This Just In, Death Lurks!

Which Extermination Do We Prefer? credit I occasionally post strange stuff (not strange to me, of course) to a Disqus " conversation " in their Sci-fi category - sort of a sub-Reddit. Following discussions on the existence of UFOs and the A.I. takeover, I wrote this, which seemed in general step with the stuff I put on this blog. So here: seniorjunior (scooter duff) @seniorjunior an hour ago The (eagerly awaited by some) Final Blow to human life might be an invasion of a powerful, pitiless bunch of aliens who think we are just spiffy hors d’ oeuvres. We sci-fi nuts keep dreaming up new apocalyses when a real one is floating around all over. One of the certainties of massive over-population is that a "die back" is cooked into the craziness. "We're all gonna die!" screams the heroine. True, of course, but all at once? Possible. The speed with which viruses mutate is 1.) Scary as heck, and 2.) a powerful argument for the...