Take Me Home, Microbiome

GUT 4.0 WINS BOOK AWARD "Over the Line" "Well, it's kind of newsworthy." "You have a strange mind, Duff." "I hear the biome has a lot of control over your sex drive." "Gross." "Well, it's a big medical discovery, all that." "I'm going to talk to mine like you talk to a baby in your belly." (Some comments from early readers who could actually think of something to say.) It's in the bookstores ( Amazon , that is)! It's published, available, for sale. At long, darn last. GO STRAIGHT TO AMAZON HERE Get it? Science Fiction has no fear. It treads on subjects you might think odd to be trod. But I am just super impressed with the tidal wave of discoveries about MICROBIOMES. Everybody and pretty much every living thing has a microbiome. They are vital to healthy life... heck, to life itself! A lot of people I talk to completely underestimate the human microbiome. There's a c...