Bernie or Bust = Four More Trumpyears

Hard Core Bernie Sanders Fans Hold Our Nation's Fate in Their Hands. Some #BernieorBust or #NeverBiden folks say they will not vote for Biden if he wins the nomination. While it’s nearly impossible to know how large the group is, hundreds of people have shared this sentiment, including progressive political candidates. It may be impossible to quantify their number, but not their influence. Those Democrats who will not yield to a moderate and vote for Biden if he wins the nomination are the same group who are sometimes blamed for Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 when disappointed Sanders fans sat out the general election.* ...OR.. . ??? "BERNIE BROS" are not famous for their good taste and polite temperaments. (thus the lowbrow graphic), but since I agree with them that Bernie has the truly progressive position on issues, I assume they are actually pretty smart. So COME ON, smart guys, get your heads around pushing Bernie'...