scooter duffworx, Commentator w/tricks

Sneaking In My Advocacy for Single Payer Single payer HEALTH INSURANCE , that is. I've mentioned that I am an almost-compulsive "comment" writer on several newspaper sites. Haven't I? Well, maybe two or three a day! Whenever I see the chance, I sneak in something supporting "Medicare for all," "Single payer" or whatever. Check these three tap dances. You write 'em, I'll comment on 'em. Washington Post - David Ignatius: Hypersonics should make a Sputnik moment. 11.7.18 duffworx Is the U.S. now even capable of a Sputnik moment? I'm worried that it's not, based on the 45% who apparently long for a plutocratic autocracy, yet are repelled by anything so "socialist" as keeping our workforce healthy with Single Payer, much less an national industrial policy. It's not just AI where the Hand of the Market is fumbling; the Chinese just demonstrated quantum radar - which greatly deteriorates our ...