
Give predicting a shot Why not? Badda boom. The horrifying news that there is a massive spike in the most serious form of black lung disease in coal mining country couldn't come at a more ironic time. The great NPR investigative work has put a reality light on how the coal companies work. THIS IS A HUMAN LUNG, NOT A LUMP OF COAL If you thought the worker performance pressures were bad at Wells Fargo - leading to false accounts and phony billing - how about "work 16 hours a day and outperform the guy on the other side of the mountain or lose your job" therefore expose your lungs to silicon dust at a guaranteed fatal level. SO I PREDICT that the truth will come out that not only are the miners having to drill through a lot of silicate rock (because all that's left are narrow seams of coal), but that the new generation drilling machines make A NANO SIZED DUST. This partially explains how the respirators fail and the miners get killer silicosis complicati...