
OK, I'm mad. REALLY mad. This is the last straw to me. President Trump's war on the climate is a grossly irresponsible travesty of governing. Loosening the rules and allowing more methane leakage into the air, just to "reverse another Obama policy" and please Big Oil and Big Gas... OUGHT TO BE A CRIME. Methane is many times more potent than CO2 as a heat trapping gas. Surely you've noticed how I trap heat when you emit me? Giant Los Angeles methane leak in infra red. We are GasFlare 1 and GasFlare 2 (with flames). GF3 there is just spewing Methane. We're all BAAAD! You know how methane smells? That's the way this latest climate atrocity smells to me. I encourage you to raise a stink over this one. Just one wound infected with this poison. Graphic Credit Flare Pix Credit