Sci-Fi Guys Prophetize!*

A Bit from the Sci-Fi novel I'm grinding on It's about another kind of Pandemic, caused by another kind of vermin, but it sounds so very prophetic. I love it when I sound prophetic. Economic indicators started wobbling radically. Market crash outpaced market crash across economies and time zones. Personal fortunes disappeared, retirement trusts vanished, deals collapsed by the tens of thousands. Communication was a shambles, contributing to the panic that spread on rumor and unverifiable “news” gushing through social media. The next paragraph hasn't shown up so much in real life yet, but I fear it's prophetic too . Financial vultures, capital carnivores and other currency carrion eaters swooped in to buy irrationally depressed stocks and real estate. The tentative title of the new book is Lucas 2.0 , What Would Superintelligence really do? I'm hoping it will be out before September. (If civilization is still functioning, of course.) *...