New Hypersonic Weapon Worries

For a Brief Time My Worries were Salved. The salve was in a cute tube of American bravado But Now.... we get this headline in the authoritative Aviation Week newsletter: U.S. Hypersonics Face Uphill Struggle To Match China, Russia Sep 21, 2018 Guy Norris | Aerospace Daily & Defense Report I'll sneak around you and come up from behind before you even know I'm on the way. This is not good. In the balance-of-power thing, America should have parity at the very minimum in these important, fist-of-the-gods weapons. Traditionally, we have the lead in the Big Scaries. The way of the world is that you can't rest on your laurels in any competition. The game proceeds. Michael Griffin, the Pentagon’s new undersecretary of defense for research and engineering , spake on the problem: “The U.S. has been taking a decade-long holiday from the exigencies of great power competition,” so we're seriously behind in a few vital...