The Ultimate Political Platform (UPDATED 7/21/2024)

(I realize in the current Trump drama, policy isn't top of mind, but the search for Grand Strategies must not stop. To execute the idea below, big -- nay, huge -- changes must happen. We are in serious need of change. Read on...) What Idea Will Appeal to the Most People? WE WILL OPTIMIZE THE WORKFORCE! A workforce at its optimum is: Healthy, educated, confident, honest, dedicated, patriotic and motivated . It has high morale. It works hard and is productive. It is creative and great at solving problems. It works together effectively as teams, large and small, and as individuals. THE WORKFORCE -- Definition: All who work for wages -- salaries, commissions or hourly -- and for whom those wages are their primary source of income. Not the billionaires; Not the "1%"; Not even the "5%" That leaves the 95%, us, thee and me. We are a varietous* bunch. Check the list below: Example A A&P Mechanic , see: Aircraft and avionics equipment ...