
Showing posts with the label age and immunity

We Oldies Are At Higher Covid Risk

And there are things we can do about it. It's complicated, but what else are you doing these days? I got behind in my reading Science Magazine s from cover to cover. Then I caught up last night. And wowie, zowie! In the 17 July edition, page 256, is: PERSPECTIVE VIEWPOINT: COVID-19 Aging immunity may exacerbate COVID-19 Arne N. Akbar ,  Derek W. Gilroy   See all  authors and affiliations Science   17 Jul 2020: Vol. 369, Issue 6501, pp. 256-257 DOI: 10.1126/science.abb0762  It's kind of a heavy read, lotsa medical and pharmacology, like:  " A key hallmark of severe disease is exuberant inflammation in the respiratory tract of patients ( 1 ). Older healthy individuals (60 years and above) exhibit chronic low-grade sterile inflammation (not caused by a pathogen) characterized by high baseline serum concentrations of C reactive protein (CRP) and cytokines." Got that? We oldies - lots but not all - have "IN...