BIG Water Moving

No More Floods; No More Droughts (Future) Historical fiction (Revisited) As our Congress messes around doing absolutely nothing about improving America's infrastructure, I can't resist pulling up my RBI (Really Big Idea) from 2003. Put on your "government could really work" rose-colored glasses and read this. May 2020 The Mississippi River is approaching flood stage in Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. The Corps of Engineers monitors the levees and dikes with the giant web of depth gauges and flow meters. The U.S. Weather Bureau is predicting major rainstorms in several of the watersheds. Supercomputers are crunching trillions of numbers and putting options in clear graphical displays in front of Corps decision makers. The top Corps engineer picks up the Red Phone and calls the White House. Connections are made and the Secretary of the Interior, the Vice President and The Woman Herself come online and listen to ...