Now Watch These Pharma Stocks Go Up
Forbes, the fanboy magazine for billionaire$... ...had two " SENOLYTIC " pieces on Sept 24. I'm betting most of the rich people read both of them: 40,993 views Sep 24, 2018, 02:16am Senolytic Therapies Seem To Stop Alzheimer's Disease 'In Its Tracks' Robin Seaton Jefferson And... 4,745 views Sep 24, 2018, 02:16am Senolytic Therapies And The Quest To Cure Aging Robin Seaton Jefferson I posit the proposition (har, har) that ALL rich people are interested in living the longest, healthiest lives money can buy. Lo, I have held forth thereon. So that was one reason they all read both pieces. The other of course can be heard in, "Alexa, buy a bloc of common in the following pharmaceuticals." Always looking for an edge of any kind. Those darn rich people. This is good for us in the lower 95% Having an affluent, eager crowd of customers just waiting for the new product...