The Climate Change Denial Industry

... And Who's Paying for It Koch Industries , that's who. Guess who blew the whistle? Good old Greenpeace! Whatever you think of their war on whalers (I love it), you've got to admire their courage. Greenpeace's latest attack is on one of the most powerful, secretive, and rich companies in the world. In an admirable piece of investigative work , they have documented who pays the (huge) tab on denying climate change. And guess what, they are oil men! Surprise! Here are the boys running Koch Industries: Koch is a huge, privately-owned company that has nearly a hundred billion a year in revenue. Since it's a private company, they can keep a very low profile. And under that low profile, they outspend Exxon Mobile by three-to-one trying to debunk the truth of climate change. (And you thought Exxon was the bad guy.) So if you ever wonder how such loony-tunes stuff keeps popping up from climate change denialists , it's because these guys are pump...