Contradictus Polarizitus

America Has an Autoimmune Disease New Medical Discovery at PUI (Punditus Universal Institute) America Losing Its Grip! I had one helluva grip in the day. To grasp the full implications of this sociomedical discovery, it's necessary to mine some bit-terms. SocioMedical Terms Civilization : the list of humanity's flaws with various attempts to correct for them. There is a positive side effect . Humanity : the first hominid to evolve a big brain and have this great body with hands, eyes, etc. Flaws : Tends to feud among themselves; Deceitful to varying degrees; Capable of destructive rage; Selfish along with unselfish; Possessive & territorial; Acquisitive; Short sighted; Slow to adapt to change; Intelligent in a wide spectrum... Oh the list is long. Positive side effect : All the effort to correct for the flaws lets the strengths and productive traits arise. Attempts to correct : Depends on the objective. A civilization with the objective of b...