What Do Bullies Do?

PICK ON THE LITTLE GUY (...Because there are no lobbyists for them - and they can't make huge politcal contributions. And Republicans have no regard for the little guy these days.) NOTE: Food stamps, perhaps the logo for the littlest guys, are dwindling just as the need is growing. Purchasing power for most salaried and hourly employees is flat or diminishing. Veterans (overwhelmingly "little guys") with PTSD are under-diagnosed and under treated. Veteran care in general is a mess. Private "contractor" soldiers get paid ten times as much as soldiers in our voluntary armed services. 40+ million Americans have no health insurance. Health care costs are hyper-inflating. Over a third of our health care dollars go to insurance companies' administration, executive salaries and shareholder profits. (Insurance companies have A LOT of lobbyists and make HUGE political contributions.) National Institutes of Health are losing federal funding. Plus the ...