Big Scare Material

Where Have All the Insects Gone...? I'm already having a hard time accepting that the world is losing glaciers. (Same magazine - see below) NOW I'm supposed to accept placidly and like a good little Olde Fart that we are losing insects by the giga-ton. Deserves way more discussion. But first..... * ...this REALLY worries me. Big news in Science Magazine, May 12 edition (we get ours kinda slow out here in the mountains)! NextGen entomologists in Germany present the stunning news that just since 1989 insect population - most species - are down about 80%! Think starting with 10 dogs you love, and you've got 2 left. HUGE decline, and not a one-off, a continuing, terrifying trend. [SciMag] I've been ranting about the mass extinction we are in for a while. "Moving fast enough for us to actually see" has been my evidence that this is moving really, really fast, geologically speaking. What didn't occur to me was how dramatically some extinctions...