Finding a Pearl

It Was Just a Quahog in the Estuary of Breitbart Commentors But a Small Irritant grew into a Pearl! 8/10/2017 Dateline The topic was Senator Maxine Waters. I made a comment critical of the prez. Another commenter, "makwabid," called me a seditionist (!), then he said, "I know why you all secretly hate Trump." * High quality Quahog pearl, it was! (I quickly, an hour after that post, responded:) seniorjunior (scooter duff) makwabid • 3 hours ago I wonder why you think that is? My reasons: (and it isn't "hate." Don't project.) ..... (Then, poured forth from my fingers a succinct little position statement. To be concise is holy.) ...I believe his MAGA is a huge fraud - his racist, demagogic, jingoistic actions are destroying America's chance to be ...