Some Guys Are Totally Freaked About Women

They Feel Threatened, I reckoned... Careful, I'm tougher than I look. And these guys are getting out their Righteous Sticks, and are ready to whop some sense into those pushy... ... skirts. One pal of mine - a professional and affluent white guy in his sixties (WAY younger than me) - has been writing diatribes about #MeToo, et al. Now the Judge Kavanaugh kerfuffle has pushed him closer to the edge. He sees a catastrophic attack on God's Order re men and women . I asked him if he felt threatened or what else might account for stuff like him writing the "New Women's Bill of Rights" with an attempt at humor, but you could hear his teeth grinding. Stuff like: Amendment VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, no excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted, unless they are men (Maybe he didn't write it, just plagiarized it, which I hope since it's grammatical nonsense.) He sent me a single line response. ...