Old/New Passion - Worker Cooperatives (Something to distract from thinking about Trump)

It All Started (for me) in 1975 "Old/New" is kind of perfect for a blog called "SeniorJunior," don't you think? As a new - two years in - entrepreneur, I had a vision. It was 1975. I and my partner Sebastian Stone were working twelve-hour days, flying all over the country seeking and serving clients, developing our systems, speaking at conferences, etc. In general we were doing the start-up boogie. AR&D (Audience Research & Development) was starting to pop. Visions are hard to come by under those circumstances, except all that time on airplanes allowed a lot of reading. I read a book by Louis Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler, The Capitalist Manifesto , and boom! vision time. I felt an epiphany wrapped up in the term ESOT. We were planning expansion of staff, and we wanted the absolute best people in the radio research biz, mostly people who had impressive gigs. Even though business was picking up, we couldn't afford them. A...