
Showing posts with the label hypersonic aircraft
There's This - and So Much More The Chinese version of "winning"  (No sign they're 'Sick and Tired' of it.) China successfully tests first hypersonic aircraft that can carry atomic warheads You should see what's hiding under that fairing.Speedy Gonzales himself! China is doing all sorts of amazing stuff, building entirely new cities  around  science themes, recruiting brilliant scientists from all over the world, buying vast agricultural rights in Africa, building the Asia-spanning "Silk Road" highway and rail   corridor.  So OK... good on them, working to be better all the time. But the "unstoppable missile" gives one pause. Say in a shouting match, threats-flying kind of an international incident, knowing your anti-missile system was bound to miss a bunch of these, I for one would be somewhat intimidated. When WE have proven hypersonic missiles (any year now), we can get back to the comfort of MUTUALLY a...

Hypersonic Chinois

Let's Just Let China Get Ahead It seems like just last month that I saw the Chinese seem ahead of us in super secure quantum communications. Eeeek! it WAS just last month. (See below) Now, I open my fav aviation news site,, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but hypersonic aircraft and spaceplane leadership in China! * There was a surprise set of disclosures about China's progress in this vastly important field at a convention in China. The reporter for AvWeek said, What has come into view is a cohesive, nationwide hypersonic research and technology program that not only shows astonishing depth and breadth, but has also produced a bewildering number of major accomplishments in a relatively short period. All this at just the moment our new Administration in D.C. is ceding leadership all over the map, especially in scientific fields. ** "What, me worry?" Darn. To be second or worse in this technology will kick us in each...