Super News You Haven't Heard About

Oh Sure, You've Heard About the Latest Trump Noise... ...But so very much important, significant, progressive, hopeful news is buried under the crashing cymbals of our Distractor in Chief. Like this earth-shaking bit... * " Fifty-six percent of doctors registered either strong support or were somewhat supportive of a single-payer health system, according to the survey by Merritt Hawkins, a physician recruitment firm." 56%! That's way up from just a few years ago. How come? you might ask. Did docs suddenly become libtards? Why would they care when they get paid, how they get paid? And that's it... getting paid through the tangled morass of for-profit insurance companies' rules and legal dances (different for every company) is a pain in the prolapsed rectum. "P hysicians often say they are tired of dealing with billing and paperwork, which takes time away from patients," is putting it more politely. A one-doc office mi...