Luke to Dylan

Does everyone know that La Niña was declared over, ended, kaput... yesterday, Mar 9? (Probably everybody knew but me.) That and the news of the "atmospheric rivers" busting CA, red flag fire danger days here in the desert southwest mighty early, etc., etc. makes it look like we might get some changes in the weather. Like Billy Holiday said, "For there's a change in the weather There's a change in the sea So from now on there'll be a change in me." Of course happy John Fogarty sang: "Wind is ragin', there's a fire in the sky. Ground shakin', everything comin' loose, Run like a coward but it ain't no use." "Make your best guess about what the end of La Niña means for our area," I asked some of my neighbors. One said, " Luke 21:31." You King James scholars know that's, " So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." Another qu...