What's a "Super Lie?"

Think 180 Degrees From Truth Exact Opposite! Look! Over there! * TRUTH 180 DEGREES OUT: "No Collusion. No Collusion! No Collusion!!! TRUTH 180 DEGREES OUT: "No chaos, only great energy!" Not just untruthful, exactly the OPPOSITE of the truth. Then... Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat ... the age old "Big Lie" technique . Combine the two and That makes it a Sup er Lie ....Able to leap tall incredulity with its super propaganda power!! More powerful that the slow train of actual truth!! Super lies are becoming much more common in politics all over the world. When you examine the statement and say to yourself "That's the exact opposite of the truth," like when Bashar al Assad says reports of horrible cruelty in his merciless siege of Eastern Ghouta are "fake news" and "terrorist propaganda" and "not true," when we are all seeing daily video of the actual...