He was Loaded

The Locked and Loaded edition Our President (yes he is, whether we like it or not) says so many outrageous things so often, that we hardly have time to comment on the last one before a new one comes along. Finally, his "locked and loaded" comment in a blast at North Korea just kept coming up in my mind until it boiled over into my commentary basket. This time I did it over at YouTube, another part of the Google-topus. To see a video version of a Scooter rant, check out "Locked and Loaded" here . (If you are not into Spider solitaire, just check the first two and a half minutes. But then, you'll miss the brown dwarf.) p.s. El Presidente said so many outrageous things last night in Phoenix (22 Aug), it might take me weeks to pick one for comment. I know, 'thank heavens.'