Build Back Better

It's a Rare Chance To Do It Better This Time.... Bury Them! Not immediately, of course. Service must be restored. It's TERRIBLE being without electricity in September in the SouthEast. No air conditioning is torture. No refrigeration is sickening. No traffic lights is dangerous. BUT... Don't spend all the money it takes to totally rebuild the same old system . At least get a start on a weather-proof distribution grid. Do the absolute minimum to restore service, and start...... MAGG! M AKE A MERICA'S G RID G REAT It's not going to happen. Those poles will be replace with MORE POLES! Instead of putting these guys to work everywhere, unleash the fast trenching machines , buy miles of new, high tech, super tough underground cables, and never have the grid knocked down again! Talk about improving the infrastructure! Whether it's hurricanes, ice storms, tornadoes or drunk drivers taking down our vital electric grid, the cure-all is BURY...