
Showing posts with the label senolytics

A Non-Political Post!

  Time for a Senolytics Update * In 2011 , scientists from the Kogod Center on Aging (part of Mayo) published research that was named a "Top 10" discovery by the journal Science. The findings, which were published in the journal Nature, proved the role of senescent cells in the aging process.  I may have seen that in 2011, but I can’t be sure. But in 2017 I got all giddy over the discoveries about senescent cells and the experimental therapies to reduce their negative impacts on health among us aging types.   (Search "senolytics" on this blog to see many giddy posts.) HEADLINE: Over the Last Five Years Progress Has Been Steady In the mad rush to find a key to the money vault that awaits successful anti-aging or healthspan extending substances, the scientists turning start-ups and the big established labs working on senolytics that will sell, are specializing in those senescent cells that cause or boost specific diseases. (The FDA doesn't treat aging as a diseas...

Olde Scooter's Favorite Theory of Aging

(Theory Belief/Hope about)  Aging Itself The Geroscience Hypothesis Duff, another of your rants on senolytics? In a nutshell:  Aging is caused by many things, but the buildup of senescent cells as we age is one that is both a CAUSE and and EFFECT of aging. Circular, no?  As time goes by, compounding damage happens to cells that causes them to become senescent -- no more dividing and replicating but they don't die,  they just hang around and emit SASP* which has inflammatory and other nasty molecules that speed up that long slide to death by "natural causes."**  Old people build up a LOT of senescent cells. They weaken the immune system that clears them out in younger people, more circular deterioration. GETTING RID OF SENESCENT CELLS WILL POSTPONE THAT.  ` As I read more about it,  I started blasting out blog posts in late 2017 . I was smitten by this paragraph: “Aging is the main risk factor for many chronic degenerative diseases and cancer. Increased...

Now Watch These Pharma Stocks Go Up

Forbes, the fanboy magazine for billionaire$...  ...had two " SENOLYTIC " pieces on Sept  24. I'm betting most of the rich people read both of them: 40,993 views Sep 24, 2018, 02:16am Senolytic Therapies Seem To Stop Alzheimer's Disease 'In Its Tracks' Robin Seaton Jefferson And... 4,745 views Sep 24, 2018, 02:16am Senolytic Therapies And The Quest To Cure Aging Robin Seaton Jefferson I posit the proposition (har, har) that ALL rich people are interested in living the longest, healthiest lives money can buy.  Lo, I have held forth thereon. So that was one reason they all read both pieces. The other of course can be heard in, "Alexa, buy a bloc of common in the following pharmaceuticals." Always looking for an edge of any kind.  Those darn rich people. This is good for us in the lower 95% Having an affluent, eager crowd of customers just waiting for the new product...

A Spark of Hope for Alzheimer's

See? I Told You to Bone Up on Senolytics [OK, this is more mouse research... but exciting!] Published Wednesday, 19 September in Nature Magazine ... one of the Super Journals (meaning they are as credible as they come, science-journal-wise), a paper based on research done at Mayo Clinic , a pretty good outfit.   Published:  19 September 2018 Clearance of senescent glial cells prevents tau-dependent pathology and cognitive decline If you keep up on Alzheimer's research, you recognize "tau-dependent," and if you don't, you surely know about cognitive decline. That and memory loss are the heart-ripping Alzheimer's symptoms we'd all like to avoid.  If You Are Interested in the Science Put your science hat on and take a look at the abstract (free) in Nature . Or read a (also free) layperson version.  Here's a short one (written for Big Pharma money men).                           ...