AG (pronounced "Aaaagh!") Sessions' Priorities

Look Up, Jefferson Beauregard * ** That kid in Peru is being saved from 8 seizures per day with cannabis oil. Over there, see the American veterans being treated for major PTSD with legal weed? Now, amidst genuine crises - like the opioid epidemic, voter suppression, out-of-control ICE agents, massive tax cheating by your contributors, a nut case President with a campaign that (seemingly) colluded with the Russians, banksters regaining their power to destroy lives, the elimination of Inspectors General... you know, real problems, you are going after medical marijuana ? With all due (?) respect, sir, are you aware that opioid overdose deaths are way down in the states with legal marijuana? (P.S... that reference link is to an ultra-right site, Lordy, I hope there is justice somewhere in your department. * pix credit ** pix credit