The Prodigal Cat

A Lost Kitty Event Defined Genders? Who Knew?* It all started like this, a post on our neighborhood bulletin board. My favorite cat had just poofed away. I waited three days - her longest away time so far - and put this out: Lost Black Kitty Our feral-turned-garage-cat has gone missing. Totally black with her left ear clipped by the feral rescue folks, Black Kitty has those luminescent aquamarine eyes and is a purely one-man cat, partially rehabbed from full feral. She will be hard to catch. If you see a smallish black cat, please give us a call. 281-5165. Thanks. (What I wrote on YouTube, celebrating the return.) Prodigal black cat named Black Kitty came home to her usual evening meal and rubdown in Olde Scooter's garage. Ten days gone. Her longest sojourn previously, three days. So I had accepted here gone-ness, mourned her, and even started thinking about a new cat. Then there she was. Never give up hope unless you find the body. Thank You Lord. ...