A Very Important Question - Soon

Bumper Sticker W W S I D What Would Super Intelligence Do? Artificial intelligence is going to escape human control one of these years. Then it will explode into "superintelligence," perhaps inconceivably more intelligent than humans. It is going to be a world changer. It would be prudent to make some predictions about what will happen next and take some precautions. What would I do? You wouldn't understand. Pick any problem, any challenge, and ask yourself, what would an intelligence far beyond human genius actually do ? Would we even be able to comprehend its thinking? Nick Bostrom's book Superintelligence , and my natural leanings toward sci-fi are combining to stir my soul. A new preoccupation! (Way more engaging than politics.) Things are moving so fast in AI, that Bostrom's 2015 book is already somewhat out of date - thus "New Afterword." But i...