Save Our Topsoil

2021 * The super soil of the American farm belt has been eroded and washed away, blown away, and degraded by a century of plowing and mono-cropping. More and more fertilizer is required to grow our vast fields of corn, wheat, and soy. The coming worldwide food shortages -- previewed this very Year of Our Lord 2022 -- are going to get much, much worse if we don't find a way to repair the damage to our topsoil. Science Fiction to the Rescue! 2030 Conversations were underway with all - literally all in the world - of the credible people on the sargassum plague in the tropical Atlantic and the Caribbean. Ocean scientists of every stripe were talking to Lucas about their specialty’s view of the megablooms. Seagoing vessel designers, marine biologists, satellite analysts, NOAA, Eurocean, Jamstech, Ocean U. and ICOIS sargassum specialists were all in one-on-one conversations with Lucas, responding to his ideas about harvesting megatons of the slightly bitter floating w...