Finally!! A Conservative I Totally Agree With

... On Most things. Andrew Sullivan "Gave 'em hell" on Sixty Minutes Sunday night 11/14/2011. He's a conservative author, editor and blogger. As a British-American, his style combines the perception of an outsider with the devotion of a native son. "Too many Americans are no longer the citizens that the founders were counting on." [On our current hyper-polarization]: "You wait and hope that will pass. So that we can get back to the pragmatic process of governing reality. And that's not what we're engaged in now. We're flying from reality. We're inventing abstractions and ideologies. We're fighting each other. We're demonizing each other. The system can still work. It's we who are broken." His whole interview strikes me as so important that everyone, on both sides of our Great Divide should give it a listen. He's a gay man and an AIDS survivor, which makes his commentary poignant on the subject of gay marria...