Super Reporting

The Huge Payoff for Propaganda Many - most, apparently - of Trump's voters still support him. Strongly. WHY, LORD, WHY? ...Some might ask, all things considered. HERE'S THE ANSWER! (Boyo, boyo, boy....) 1. For years Republicans knew that Hillary Clinton was likely to run for President, certainly from W.J. Clinton's term when Hillary went tooth and nail on behalf of his healthcare plans. She showed she had the chops, and she made a lot of Repubs nervous. 2. They commenced an indefatigable campaign of demonizing Miz Hillary, picking up the pace when she actually ran in the primary in 2008. When she became Prez Obama's Secretary of State, the attacks kicked up a notch, graduating from the vague horror stories of Whitewater and Vince Foster and "how could she stay with Bill?" to the massively redundant hearings on Benghazi, e-mails, etc. FIRST SUPER REPORTING ON THIS ANGLE HERE. 3. Righty radio talkers , Rush, Sean, Michael(s), Laura(...